
Nairy Baghramian

Born in Isfahan, 1971 and lives in Berlin, Germany

Nairy Baghramian explores inherited forms and concepts from the history of art in order to address issues of functionality, decoration, abstraction and feminism. Her sculptures, made from a wide range of materials including steel, silicon, resin and leather, bring art historical references into the realm of the subjective; they are dismantled and recombined with human physiology and the principles of interior design. The result offers a re-reading of the legacy of Minimalism and Surrealism in the shape of protuberances and cavities, lumps and spills, organs and body parts. Baghramian has often reflected on the incessant cycle of aesthetic-object production, cultivating an interest in marginalized art forms and spaces that are often considered territory of the “feminine”. Instability is also a recurrent theme in her work that becomes evident in the use of tenuous and flimsy supports to hold her sculptures, or in how she displays them, dangling or leaning her pieces, always on the brink of collapse. The strength of Baghramian’s practice lies precisely in revisiting the oft-overlooked and the delicate, using these tropes as a point of departure for sculptures that are aware of their own fragility while comfortably holding sway over the exhibition space

Nairy Baghramian: Modèle vivant (Se Ployant)
With her solo exhibition at Hauser & Wirth in Zurich, Nairy Baghramian concludes her series “Modèle...
07 Jun 2024 - 07 Sep 2024
Hauser & Wirth Zürich
Nairy Baghramian: Modèle vivant
At kurimanzutto, Baghramian now interweaves her dozen abstract sculptures with nearly as many figural works by two twentieth-century artists resident in Mexico, Geles Cabrera (b. 1926) and Elizabeth Catlett (1915–2012). Cabrera’s and Catlett’s sculpted bodies here are: recumbent, enfolded, upright, propped, fragmented, skeletally articulated. Baghramian’s sculptures are similarly disposed, many appearing to recline, sit, stand. She seems in fact to solicit our habits of anthropocentric projection, perhaps also our desires for the easement of recognition, and she does this as well (once again) through language.
11 Feb 2023 - 11 Mar 2023
Mexico City
Furla series: Nairy Baghramian: Misfits
Promoted by Fondazione Furla as part of the exhibition programme "Furla series" and GAM – Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Milan
26 May 2021 - 26 Sep 2021
GAM Milano
Furla Series #3: Nairy Baghramian
Fondazione Furla and GAM - Galleria d'Arte Moderna, present the Iranian artist Nairy Baghramian at Furla Series #3
26 May 2021 - 26 Sep 2021
GAM Milano
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