
Anawana Haloba

Born in Livingstone, 1978 and lives in Oslo, Norway

Anawana Haloba is a graduate of the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She explores the positions of different communities within varied political, social, economic and cultural contexts, which she then abstracts into performance-based works incorporating moving images, objects and sound. Spanning different media, from video to interactive installations, Haloba’s work comes to grip with the constant redefinition of cultures and individual and collective memory in the global fluxes of symbolic and economic values. Haloba’s work has been featured in both solo and group exhibitions, including the Rauma Biennale, Finland; ZKM Museum of Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe, Germany; Museum Berardo Collection, Lisbon, Portugal; la Biennale di Venezia, 2009; Sydney Biennale, Australia; Manifesta 7, Bolzano, Italy and the Sharjah Biennial 08.

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