
Jacqueline Bassoul Bejani

Jacqueline Bassoul Bejani, born 1959 in Lebanon. She left for France in 1978 and studied at Atelier met de Penninghen and at ENSAD-Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs.
She worked for many years as a designer in the advertising and packaging industry. In 2015, she moved to Luxemburg, to study painting in the Académie Royale des Beaux Arts of Arlon in Belgium. Currently, she paints in the studios of Nathalie Pirotte and Dominique Baudon.
Her themes are the Middle East, Palestine, the European Community, multiculturalism. She participated in a group exhibition at the Centre d’Art Contemporain du Luxembourg and in the Palais de Justice of the city of Arlon.

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