Rikke Luther
Born in Aalborg, 1970 and lives in Copenhagen, Denmark and Berlin, Germany
Born in Aalborg, Denmark in 1970. Graduated the Royal Danish Academy, Copenhagen in 1998. Co-founded the artist group N55 in 1996. Resident artist at NIFCA, Qaqortoq, Greenland in 2001 and Les Arques, Les Arques, France in 2003. Currently lives and works in Copenhagen and Berlin.
Learning Site was founded as a research-led and site-related art initiative with the aim of exploring ways of making art that did assume the circulatory institutions of the museum, biennial festival, transnational art fair and market as the grounding reality of art practice. Luther’s work has therefore explored the proposition that what an artist exhibits is a small fraction of the learning, knowledge and intuition that drives its production. In order to make any art, a diverse and complex system of coming-to-knowledge, sifting and deciding must take place. While that process is necessary, it is not always coherent or easy to define. The exhibitionary art object may be a part of that practice, but no more consumes or defines that practice than curators or viewers are able to.