
Cally Spooner

Born in Ascot, 1983 and lives in London, UK

Cally Spooner is a writer and an artist, she was born 1983 in Ascot, UK. She lives and works in London. Using theory, philosophers, pop music, current affairs and corporate rhetoric as alibis to write, and casts of arguing characters to help her perform, Spooner produces plotless novellas, disjunctive scripts, looping monologues and musical arrangements to stage the automation of speech, outsourced subjectivity, mutated human resources and the short-circuiting of language as it transforms into labour. Appropriating different performance genres such as the Broadway musical, the television commercial and the radio play as both a form and a reference, Spooner considers how dematerialized, indeterminate, unmediated performance, can sit within the extreme visibility of entertainment and today’s attention economies.
Spooner has had recent solo presentations and performances  at gb agency Paris, Zero Gallery Milan; Kunstverein Bielefelder, Frieze Film, London, Tate Modern, London; Performa 13, New York and Kunsthal Charlottenburg, Copenhagen.  Recent group exhibitions at KW Institute, Berlin; Frieze Sounds, New York, Serpentine Gallery, London; Kestnergesellschaft, Hanover and Kunstverein Munchen, Munich. Spooner has recently completed a production residency at EMPAC (Experimental Media and Performing Arts Centre) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. She is a recipient of the Paul Hamlyn Foundation Award for Artists 2013.

Part of the programme of Art City Bologna, during Arte Fiera 2020
23 Jan 2020 - 03 May 2020
MAMbo, Museo d’arte moderna di Bologna
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