Import Projects
Founded in 2012, Import Projects is a nonprofit initiative offering a platform for contemporary cultural production and debate
Import Projects is committed to the problematics of the networked era and the artists who address it.
Import Projects is a nonprofit curatorial initiative providing an experimental platform for contemporary cultural production and debate, primarily exploring the intersection of technology, personal identity and community.
Since 2012, Import Projects has established itself as a platform for probing those intersections – showcasing pioneering artists in our post-digital landscape. Import Projects program has received critical plaudits from media including Frieze Magazin (GB/D), Arte (FR/DE), Spiegel (DE), Rhizome (US), Artforum (GB/D/US) through its exhibitions, screenings, performance and symposia, as well as partnerships with organisations including Berlin Social Media Week 2012, Berlin Art Week 2014, Berlin Project Space Festival 2014/2015 and Cycle Music and Art Festival in 2015 and ongoing.
sun, sun, sun, thu, fri, sat, sun
W: Import Projects
Keithstraße 10