Krokus Gallery
Pivate gallery founded in 2008, in the centre of Bratislava
Krokus Gallery is situated just a few minutes’ walk from the historic city centre and the Danube river.
During the nineties, the basement of the house was transformed into Gallery Gerulata, which was the first independent art project space created after the revolution in 1989, presenting mostly underground artists. In 2013 the basement has been renovated, to expand both in terms of space and ideas. The two exhibition spaces have created a very interesting tension between the intimate space of the former apartment and the project space in the basement.
From the beginning the gallery has worked very closely with the Slovak artists Lucia Dovičáková, Erik Sille, Rastislav Podoba, Jana Farmanová, Lucia Nimcová, Svätopluk Mikyta, Tomáš Džadoň, but has also often invited other artists for specific projects (mostly from Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, Romania, Italy etc.). The gallery’s ambition was to become a trendsetting gallery for contemporary art, in a situation where any cooperation between artists, institutions, collectors, galleries and curators was almost non-existent. Korkus Gallery is focused mainly on the art from the younger generation, prepares one or two independent profile exhibitions per year and international co-operations. The exhibitions are about photography, painting, objects, drawings and video work. As well as so-called emerging artists, the gallery also work with artists from the older generations who have been working since the beginning of the 1970s, mainly in the field of conceptual and action art such as Dezider Tóth and Peter Kalmus.
sun, mon, tue
wed, thu, fri, sat
W: Krokus Gallery
Námestie 1. Mája 3