Kathrin Sonntag: Things Doing Their Thing, 09 Sep 2018 — 27 Jan 2019

Kathrin Sonntag: Things Doing Their Thing

Kathrin Sonntag’s  exhibition at KINDL – Centre for Contemporary Artworks, features objects, slide projections, and collages as well as a photo installation. Titled Things Doing Their Thing, the show expresses the artist’s usual practice to disorientate her viewers, creating situations of ambiguity and discarding their perceptive habits. The artist transforms the exhibition space into a place where the unexpected in the seemingly familiar emerges.

This happens, for instance, in the installation Problems and Solutions (2017), a series of photographs in which provisional solutions to everyday problems are documented or the new work Alles in Ordnung! (2018), in which she ironically presents  a combination of texts and images from a German mail order catalogue.


Contacts & Details
wed, thu, fri, sat, sun 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm

mon, tue

T: +49 (0)30 832 159120
M: info@kindl-berlin.de

KINDL – Centre for Contemporary Art, Am Sudhaus 3

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