El tiempo dirá / Time will tell, 08 Dec 2016 — 26 Feb 2017

El tiempo dirá / Time will tell

Museo Experimental El Eco, Sullivan 43, San Rafael, Cuauhtémoc

The exhibition “Time Will Tell” pays interest to how an artist life and practice and the works that it produces represent figures of adaptations, transitions, and transactions, in a world, especially today, with fewer and fewer assurances of futurity.

This exhibition is based on the history of the Ricard Prize. This price has awarded young French artists every year, since 1999. The show aims to reflect beyond the logic of the traditional meaning of “the prize”, which is to distinguish a character at a given time. Instead, it explores what can be common, continuous and repetitive in a situation that creates recognition with this award in the life and work of the artists.

Co-production among El Eco, Pernod Ricard México y la Fundación Ricard.

Contacts & Details
Tue – Sun 11am – 6pm
T: +52 55 5535 5186
M: contacto@eleco.unam.mx

Museo Experimental El Eco, Sullivan 43, San Rafael, Cuauhtémoc

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