Lawrence Weiner: South of the Border
Fundación Casa Wabi presents a solo exhibition dedicated to work of Lawrence Weiner, under the title of South of the Border.
Lawrence Weiner defines his work as “existing empirical facts” as it uses words and / or signs printed in large format, where colour, typography, direction and position impact each viewer differently; each variation is loaded with implications and contexts. The artist sees his pieces as sculptures, because they “take shape” when they are read, not when they are written.
The artist has produced three new works for the exhibition space of the Casa Wabi Foundation, Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, and are an expression of openness to otherness and a rejection of nativism in all its forms. The artist takes up his emblematic phrases in Spanish with the interest of exploring the matrix of relationships that connect us with the other raw materials that constitute the world. Adding to a new awareness of language as a transformative matter of reality that invites the viewer to become a critical and transformative agent in their community.