Tomás Esson: S.O.S. CUBA
Tomás Esson has always been a fierce critic of the social realities of his native Cuba, titling this exhibition in solidarity with those still living under the repressive government. Conditions on the island have severely worsened during the pandemic.
Over the course of three decades, Tomás Esson has developed from figurative, mythological paintings to working in a hybrid manner, to an almost completely abstract style.
The solo exhibition features nine works from his Miami Flow series displayed in two rooms: the first gallery showcasing a diverse range of large-format compositions and the second gallery focused on four medium format, green-hued works with titles that allude to subtropical wetlands.
Esson’s Miami Flow series couples abstraction and vegetation with an increasingly dynamic, gestural energy. Starting in 2015, the early paintings began as isolated fragments of landscapes prevalent in earlier figurative paintings, immersing the viewer in botanical depictions. Sexualized flora emerged in a variety of pictorial environments progressing into pure abstraction.
Tuesday – Saturday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Mon, Sun
Fredric Snitzer Gallery, 1540 NE Miami Court, Downtown