1965-2015. 50 years from Studio Marconi to the Marconi Foundation, 21 May 2015 — 31 Oct 2015

1965-2015. 50 years from Studio Marconi to the Marconi Foundation

Fondazione Marconi, Via Tadino 15, 20124 Milan

Giorgio Marconi celebrates fifty years of activity with a group exhibition featuring the work of twenty-two of the many artists who, over the years, showed their work at the historic Studio Marconi, his first gallery at via Tadino 15, established in 1965 and soon to become one of the landmarks for art in Milan. During its long lasting activity Studio Marconi featured more than one hundred artists that Giorgio Marconi selected not only among the several contemporary art movements of the time, but also among those personalities whom he considered to be the most representative.

Today, Fondazione Marconi continues the work of publicising, promoting contemporary art, and also enhancing some important archives and art collections of the 20th century: Man Ray, Sonia Delaunay, Louise Nevelson, Lucio Fontana, Gianni Colombo, Mario Schifano, Gianfranco Pardi, Mimmo Rotella, Valerio Adami, Enrico Baj, Giuseppe Uncini and Emilio Tadini, just to mention but a few. The group exhibition will be held on the first and second floors of the Foundation’s recently renovated and expanded premises, and will display twenty-two works by as much artists selected on the basis of a temporal continuity that, over the years, has bonded them with Studio Marconi whose activity, choices and path they can now exhaustively and coherently document.

A pocket-sized book with an introduction on Fondazione Marconi and short biographies of the artists on show will be published, in addition to the broad volume focused on Studio Marconi: A Gallery’s Self Biography. Studio Marconi 1965/1992 (Skira 2004), including an interview by Natalia Aspesi, a list of the main exhibitions and a rich selection of illustrations and critical texts.

Contacts & Details


T: +39 02 29419232
M: info@fondazionemarconi.org

Fondazione Marconi, Via Tadino 15, 20124 Milan

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