Aleksandra Domanović: The Falseness of Holes
Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro presents the solo exhibition by the winner of the Arnaldo Pomodoro prize for sculpture, Aleksandra Domanović with ‘The Falseness of Holes’ on show at the GAM in Milan from 12th November to 6th January 2020.
This work by Aleksandra Domanović was inspired by a statement by Medardo Rosso, part of an interview published on October 17, 1907 in The Daily Mail: “A sculpture is not meant to be touched, but rather to be seen at a certain distance, according to the effect intended by the artist. Our hand does not allow us to become aware of the values, tones, colours … in a word, of the life of the thing. ”
Domanović was pleasantly struck by Medardo’s intention to make people forget the material of which the sculpture is made, and by the central role of photography in the sculptor’s creative process.
Tue – Sun 10am – 5:30pm
GAM Milano, Via Palestro, 16, Milan, Italy