Herb Ritts: In Balance, 20 Feb 2016 — 05 Jun 2016

Herb Ritts: In Balance

Palazzo della Ragione, Piazza dei Mercanti, 1

After monographic shows dedicated to the great interpreters of international photography such as Sebastião Salgado, Walter Bonatti, Edward Burtynsky, and challenging project of Italy Inside Out, the largest photography exhibition ever dedicated to Italy, Palazzo della Ragione in Milan continues its exhibition program.
From 20 February to 5 June 2016, the Milanese house of photography celebrates the art and style of Herb Ritts (1952-2002), one of the most renowned and appreciated American photographer, whose works have helped to build the heritage world’s collective imagination for decades.

The exhibition presents more than 100 original images, from the most famous to other less known, as well as spectacular enlargements, video installation, all coming dall’Herb Ritts Foundation of Los Angeles and expressly selected for this
appointment, the first major retrospective of the artist presented in Milan.
The photography of Herb Ritts is a measured set of spontaneity and study,
glamor and immediacy of poses sophisticated  the film stars and music and
natural light .

Contacts & Details
tue, wed, fri, sun 9:30 am – 8:30 pm; thu, sat 9:30 am – 10:30 pm


T: +39 02 4335 3535
M: info@palazzodellaragionefotografia.it

Palazzo della Ragione, Piazza dei Mercanti, 1

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