Leonor Fini: Italian Fury, 02 Apr 2022 — 25 Jun 2022

Leonor Fini: Italian Fury

"Leonor Fini. Italian Fury" is an exhibition dedicated to the Argentine-Italian artist Leonor Fini (1907-1996), curated by Francesco Vezzoli (1971).

Tommaso Calabro, Milan, Corso Italia 47 20123, Milan, Italy
The show presents the oeuvre of Leonor Fini in dialogue with works by the major artists Fabrizio Clerici, Giorgio de Chirico, Max Ernst, Stanislao Lepri and Dorothea Tanning, who played a pivotal role in her life and career.
Especially for the exhibition, contemporary artist Francesco Vezzoli will execute four new embroideries and one new sculpture investigating Fini’s career and personality. The exhibition design, conceived by Filippo Bisagni, will draw inspiration from Stanislao Lepri’s painting “La Chambre de Leonor” (1967), on view in the first room of the show. Sections of the painting, such as the tiled floor and pieces of furniture, will come alive in the gallery rooms, guiding the viewer through a detailed discovery of Fini’s ongoing influence.
Contacts & Details
Tue – Sat 11am – 7pm
T: +39 02 49696387
M: info@tommasocalabro.com

Tommaso Calabro, Milan, Corso Italia 47 20123, Milan, Italy

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