Yan Pei-Ming: Wild Game, 24 Feb 2022 — 02 Apr 2022

Yan Pei-Ming: Wild Game

Massimo De Carlo, Casa Corbellini-Wassermann, Viale Lombardia 17, 20131, Milan, Italy

Massimo De Carlo gallery presents a new solo exhibition “Wild Game” by the artist Yan Pei-Ming, premiering a new body of work.

Known around the world for his monumental, often monochromatic canvasses, painted with vigorous, sweeping brushstrokes, Yan Pei-Ming‘s work is characterized by his use of a two-toned monochrome colour palette in black and white or red and white, thereby directing stronger focus towards the subject and composition of his works.

In all the series, the artist’s fluid yet precise technique, use of repetition, and shallow pictorial space infuse his images with an eerie morbidity, thus reinforcing their connection to real, indescribable, events.

Familiar motifs such as the self-portrait, Innocent X, an evocation of Velasquez, are joined by landscapes of Shanghai and Milan.

Contacts & Details
By appointment only
T: +39 02 7000 3987
M: milano@massimodecarlo.com

Massimo De Carlo, Casa Corbellini-Wassermann, Viale Lombardia 17, 20131, Milan, Italy

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