Bouquet de Chiendent
Curator: Louis D’Anjou
Artists: Soline Bredin, Octave Courtin, Benjamin Collet, Louis D’Anjou, Fanny Ferré, Elliot Gamer, Joseph Le Druide, Clément Vercelletto, Viola Vitali
“Magical and alchemical blooms, the colors simmer, macerate, sweeten the entrails to take away the fire, bite life, crack death. Bouquet de chiendent is an exhibition-sorcery to the joyful and bewitching charms from which arise lives liberated from a time past. By oneself, learning is done and becomes the leaven to invent in majesty. Misty, cosmic, strange, these works-enchanted herbs sting, sometimes bite. Their open jaws to the loving mouth enserren all clay, sound and pictorial lands. The spirits are in agreement as the sun and moon unite to seduce the dragons.”
(Excerpt of a text by Marianne Derrien)
Mon – Sun 2pm – 7pm