Witnesses of Faith: Perspectives on the Sacred
The exhibition “Witnesses of Faith: Perspectives on the Sacred“, is inspired by the Pope Francisco’s speech that has emphatically preached the need for “a constructive dialogue between the various sectors of today’s society” because “a society grows when there is a constructive dialogue between its many cultural riches”.
The exhibition shows thirty-three works from the MNBA and the Archidiocese Museum, including paintings, sculptures, drawings and furniture which cover a period that goes from the 13th century to the contemporary.
Addressing a rich intersection of faith, ethics and art, the works are both of national and foreigners artists such as Candido Portinari, Rodoldo Bernardelli, Bassano and Pagano, among many others.
the exhibition is divided in three sectors:
– Foundation of faith: the works materialize the encounter between the Old and New World. The interpreters in the works represent the moment of consecration of the first Mass on Brazilian soil.
– Light of Faith: focused on the charity in the sense of the supreme gift for the Christian tradition.
– Aesthetic and Sacro: in this last thematic core the aesthetic experience is in representations of scenes or episodes narrated in the Gospels.
tue, wed, thu, fri 10:00 am – 5:00 pm; sat, sun 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
M: imprensa@mnba.gov.br
Museu Nacional de Belas Artes, Avenida Rio Branco, 199 Centro