Elisabetta Benassi: Letargo, 15 Dec 2016 — 15 Mar 2017
Elisabetta Benassi: Letargo
Magazzino, Via dei Prefetti 17, 00186 Rome, RM, Italy
After 6 year absence from Magazzino in Rome, Elisabetta Benassi returns into the gallery spaces with a solo show, titled “Letargo“.
The exhibition deals on the different aspects of the concept of “rest” as for the biological, environmental, human and animal meaning of it. “Letargo” is an exhibition focused on dualisms – sleep / wake, light / twilight, nature / artifice, body / machine – where no synthesis is offered. Benassi rather tends to pull the oppositions in one place, in a kind of portmanteau of irreconcilable universes theory. In this way, for example, references to “natural” world is done in arbitrary ways and contexts, by the separation of element.