Nico Fumai: being remixed, 04 Nov 2017 — 10 Feb 2018

Nico Fumai: being remixed

Guido Costa Projects, Via Mazzini 24

Telling the story of Nico Fumai through images as Chiara, his daughter, does in this show involved not only gathering valuable information adrift in recent history, but also attempting to address a host of broader questions regarding identity, the relationship between a father and his children, and the meaning of fullfilment and success; increasingly complex questions that touch on the mysterious bond between sound and image and colour and space; as well as fundamental and unresolved issues such as the permanence of values and remembering a name.

The dreamy, tongue in cheek stage on which all these questions play proved to be a perfect coup de téâtre, and rather ingenious hoax. Upending narrative voices was a trademark of Chiara Fumai’s output ever since her first appearance as an artist and during her later years of intense artistic research.
The presence and absence of the artist’s father, Nico Fumai (his face, his voice, his many musical creations, his unsuccessful career), are a constant her life, representing both conflict and mementos.

Contacts & Details
mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm


T: +39 011 8154113

Guido Costa Projects, Via Mazzini 24

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