Estonia 2019
Birth V
Title: “Birth V”
Curators: Andrew Berardini, Irene Campolmi, Sarah Lucas, Tamara Luuk
Commissioner: Maria Arusoo, Centre of Contemporary Arts of Estonia
Artist: Kris Lemsalu
Kris Lemsalu, known for her art which merges fantasy and reality, represents Estonia at 2019 Venice Art Biennale. Lemsalu gives birth to an immersive installation, recalling a fairy-tale or shamanic world; while her previous works engaged with the idea of death, “Birth V” is mainly concerned with life, starting from the title of the exhibition. For the occasion, Lemsalu invited a team of writers, artists, curators and friends to collaborate with her on the project, like the writer Andrew Berardini, the artist and her mentor Sarah Lucas, curators Irene Campolmi and Tamara Luuk, among the others.
tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Legno & Legno, Giudecca 211