
Giorgio Griffa

Born in Turin, 1936 and lives in Turin, Italy

Giorgio Griffa paints exclusively to paint, this is the reason why he is considered an artist very close to the trend of analytical painting although he is a personality quite unrelated to any label.

Collezione privata italiana. Opere dal 1959 al 1998
A collective presentation of paintings
08 Sep 2021 - 30 Oct 2021
Menhir Arte Contemporanea
Work Groups from the 70s and 80s
A collection of works from the 70s and 80s by established artists
15 Jun 2020 - 24 Dec 2020
Annemarie Verna
Scrivere Disegnando
"Writing by Drawing - When Language Seeks Its Other" is an exhibition about writing and its shadow side
29 Jan 2020 - 23 Aug 2020
Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève
Art Spaces
Galleria Giraldi
Galleries in Versilia, Pisa, Lucca, Livorno
Annemarie Verna
Galleries in Zurich
Studio Guastalla
Galleries in Milan
Galleries in Milan
Lorenzelli Arte
Galleries in Milan
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