David Hockney
Born in Bradford, 1937 and lives in Los Angeles, USA
David Hockney is considered one of the most important British artists of the 20th century and a major contributor to the pop art movement of the 1960s – even if he started with an expressionistic style that soon evolved from the 1970s. The artist is worldwide known for his signature acrylic paintings of highly realistic scenes painted in vibrant colours, strongly influenced by California’s light, landscape and life.
David Hockney
This is the first large scale solo exhibition in Japan in 27 years devoted to British artist David Hockney...
15 Jul 2023 - 05 Nov 2023
MOT – Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
MOT – Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
David Hockney: People, Places & Things
The Walker Art Center presents David Hockney's solo exhibition "People, Places & Things".
18 Dec 2021 - 21 Aug 2022
Walker Art Center
Walker Art Center