Mycorial Theatre 2016
In a collaboration with Fiorucci Art Trust and with the support of, Pivô brings to Brazil “Mycorial Theatre”, a project by artist Paulina Olowska and curator Milovan Farronato.
The programme includes a number of convivial encounters and activities inspired by the principle of mycology. The first days of the symposium will see the participants go on inspirational journeys, spending nights in shelters; mushroom hunting; rituals and conversations. While taking the empirical and transcendental experiences, the knowledge, artist, talks and works of art will migrate to new forms of nature. While shifting to a new location, the symposium stays the same: a mycelium, esoteric, “or exotic” community. The metropolis is the metro-forest. There will be exploration, hiking and a deep attempt to reaching the state of a unique perception by determination (9 hours of walking each day).
During the walks the participants will perform by spontaneous or prepared interventions, solo, in duets, trios or with the members of metro- forest. As a form of transcendence a place will be chosen for a ritual of nightlong dance. Metropolis is a fungus form; observation of the vivisected being is required along with the use of mental experiments. The shelter will be an abandoned house- for a week a place of secret gatherings on last day opened to the public perceptions. The characteristics of the open house still need to be discussed with each participant.
On the last day of Mycorial Theatre, September 7th, the project opens to a wider public. This closing event is an opportunity to share some initial outcomes of the project with the public in the form of a gathering which, for example, includes rituals around the fire; the making of site-specific works; choreographies; declarations; spontaneous interventions and a mushroom feast.
Supported by as a part of its program to promote Polish culture in Brazil in 2016.
Edifício Copan – Av. Ipiranga 200, Bloco A, loja 54