Maurizio Cattelan: The Last Judgement, 20 Nov 2021 — 20 Feb 2022

Maurizio Cattelan: The Last Judgement

Maurizio Cattelan's first solo exhibition in China presents 29 works from his 30+ year career that confront themes of death, social mores, the colossus of art history and the nature and value of art in globalised, contemporary society.

UCCA Center of Contemporary Art, 4 Jiuxianqiao Road

The title taken from Michelangelo’s fresco in the Sistine Chapel, this exhibition is a focused overview of more than three decades of the often provocative, mocking, and prankish artistic output of Maurizio Cattelan. Whereas his art has often been presented in a highly specific manner, this exhibition at UCCA takes a more holistic approach, offering the opportunity to pause and reflect on the artist’s vision and philosophy.

Works drawn from the artist’s own biography, identity as an artist, and ostensibly self-centered persona paradoxically open up into a multitude of identities and questions confronting the motifs of death and mortality, particularly the artist’s own. Other works simultaneously mock and pay homage to pop culture and Italian art history.

The Last Judgment stresses the tension between the active choice of judging and the passive condition of being judged. Designed neither to push visitors to search for hidden artworks, nor to engender a theatrical sense of surprise as they encounter the pieces, the exhibition encourages viewers to seek out the stories within each work and to form their own personal connections with—and judgments of—the art presented in this new context.

Maurizio Cattelan: The Last Judgment is curated by Francesco Bonami.

Contacts & Details
tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun 10:00 am – 7:00 pm


T: +86 10 5780 0200

UCCA Center of Contemporary Art, 4 Jiuxianqiao Road

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