Mixing It Up: Painting Today, 09 Sep 2021 — 12 Dec 2021

Mixing It Up: Painting Today

An exhibition celebrating the diversity of painting in the UK

Hayward Gallery, Hayward Gallery, Southbank Centre, Belvedere Rd, London SE1 8XX, UK

The group show gathers 31 contemporary painters who use painting as the language to create fresh and compelling pieces. The paintings on view are mainly conceptual engaging speculative reflections and critical conversations and merging different inspiration sources. “Mixing It Up”  involves three generations of artists who live and work in the UK but from different areas of the world, reflecting the international character of painting in the country.

Contacts & Details
Wed – Fri 10am – 6pm

Sat 10am – 8pm

Sun 10am – 6pm

T: +44 020 3879 9555
M: customer@southbankcentre.co.uk

Hayward Gallery, Hayward Gallery, Southbank Centre, Belvedere Rd, London SE1 8XX, UK

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