Une seconde d’éternité, 27 Jun 2022 — 09 Jan 2023

Une seconde d’éternité

Artists are displayed throughout the Bourse de Commerce spaces, composing a landscape that enters into dialogue with the architecture, from the darkness of the lower level to the light of the upper galleries. This exhibition is inspired by the oeuvre of Felix Gonzalez-Torres and his work’s openness to tangible emotions, through a certain aesthetics of disappearance, and to new forms of connection and aes-thetic experiences.

With works from the collection: Larry Bell, Marcel Broodthaers, Miriam Cahn, Nina Canell, Liz Deschenes, Ryan Gander, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Roni Horn, Pierre Huyghe, Gustave le Gray, Sherrie Levine, Philippe Parreno, Anri Sala, Tino Sehgal, Rudolf Stingel, Sturtevant, Wolfgang Tillmans, Carrie Mae Weems.

Contacts & Details


Wed – Mon 11am – 7pm;
Fri 11am – 9pm

T: +33 1 55 04 60 60
M: info.boursedecommerce@pinaultcollection.com

Bourse de Commerce – Pinault Collection, 2 Rue de Viarmes, 75001

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